Daily News

Fifteen Articles on "boy in box": Sep 11, 1969

Fifteen articles regarding the "boy in the box" trial in Riverside County, Published by the Daily News of Indio, Calif. 9/8-11/7
15pp clipngs


Daily Telegraph, London

Articles re; Crowley's divorce from Rose: Nov 25, 1910

Clippings re; the Crowley divorce.
1pp x.
 HRC HRC/U of T at A


Davis, R.A.

Penthouse, letter to: May 5, 1983

Letter to Penthouse re Hubbard interview
1pp x


de Lubicz, R. A. Schwaller

Symbols and Esotericism: 1960

English translation of ``Propos sur sotrisme et Symbole'', first published in La Colombe in Paris in 1960 as No. 6 in the series ``Investigations.''
55pp TS. Xerox


Der Poleizeiprasident in Berlin

Germer, Karl: Sep 2, 1936

Letter re: [German] original and three copies
4pp Ms. orig


Derleth, August

McMurtry, Grady L.: Aug 7, 1943

Thanks for order, poem.
1pp Ts. orig.
 ECL Fra. Volo Visio Videre


Desti, Mary

Catalog of the Destia Collection: Mar 1, 1975

Description of the Desti Papers, box by box, at U.C.L.A.
14pp Ts. xerox